Separate e-Library equipped with 12 terminals
for access of online journals and internet
Centrally located, with a built up area of
667 Sqm.
Big reading hall (200 sqm.) with seating
capacity of 150 students
Open access system in issue and reference
Engineering, MBA Library Carpet
Area Details:
Reference Section: 146.37+ 36.94(expand) =183.31 sqm
Reading Room: 73.88*
Circulation & Stock Area=128.24 sqm
Student Book Bank=10.87 sqm
Digital Library=18.12sqm
*Reading room included to main library
Total Engineering Library Carpet Area=415.17 Sqm
2. MBA Library Carpet Area =255.57 Sqm
Engineering Library = 415.17 sqm.
MBA Library = 255.57 sqm.
Total Library
=670.74 Sqm